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API & Config

Create instance

var engine = new P2pEngineRxPlayer(player, {p2pConfig: [opts]});

Create a new P2pEngineRxPlayer instance, player is an instance of video.js .

If opts is specified, then the default options (shown below) will be overridden.

logLevelstring|boolean'error'Print log level(warn, error, none,false=none, true=warn).
tokenstringundefinedToken is used to summarize and display multi domain name data on the console. In addition, token is required while customizing channelId.
trackerZonestring'eu'The country code name of the tracker server address('eu', 'hk', 'us').
memoryCacheLimitObject{"pc": 400 1024 1024, "mobile": 100 1024 1024}The max size of binary data that can be stored in the cache.
useDiskCachebooleantrueUse IndexedDB to cache data for VOD streaming.
p2pEnabledbooleantrueEnable or disable p2p engine.
webRTCConfigObject{}A Configuration dictionary providing options to configure WebRTC connections.
useHttpRangebooleantrueUse HTTP ranges requests where it is possible. Allows to continue (and not start over) aborted P2P downloads over HTTP.
showSloganbooleanfalseDisplay slogan of SwarmCloud on console.
startFromSegmentOffsetnumber3The segment offset that start to connect to tracker server.

P2pEngineRxPlayer API

P2pEngineRxPlayer.version (static method)

Get the version of P2pEngineRxPlayer.

P2pEngineRxPlayer.protocolVersion (static method)

Get the version of P2P protocol.

P2pEngineRxPlayer.isSupported() (static method)

Returns true if WebRTC data channel is supported by the browser.


Resume P2P if it has been stopped.


Disable engine to stop p2p and free used resources.


Stop p2p and free used resources.

P2pEngineRxPlayer Events

engine.on('peerId', function (peerId) {})

Emitted when the peer Id of this client is obtained from server.

engine.on('peers', function (peers) {})

Emitted when successfully connected with new peer.

engine.on('stats', function (stats) {})

Emitted when data is downloaded/uploaded.
stats.totalHTTPDownloaded: total data downloaded by HTTP(KB).
stats.totalP2PDownloaded: total data downloaded by P2P(KB).
stats.totalP2PUploaded: total data uploaded by P2P(KB).
stats.p2pDownloadSpeed: p2p download speed(KB/s).

engine.on('serverConnected', function (connected) {})

Emitted when websocket is opened/closed.

engine.on('exception', function (e) {})

Emitted when exception occured.
e.code: Exception identifier(TRACKER_EXPT SIGNAL_EXPT)
e.message: Exception message
e.stack: Exception stack

Get p2p information from p2pConfig

p2pConfig: {
getStats: function (totalP2PDownloaded, totalP2PUploaded, totalHTTPDownloaded, p2pDownloadSpeed) {
// get the downloading statistics
getPeerId: function (peerId) {
// get peer Id
getPeersInfo: function (peers) {
// get peers information
onHttpDownloaded: function (traffic) {
// listen to http downloaded traffic
onP2pDownloaded: function (traffic, speed) {
// listen to p2p downloaded traffic
onP2pUploaded: function (traffic) {
// listen to p2p uploaded traffic

The unit of download and upload is KB. The unit of download speed is KB/s.

Advanced Usage

Dynamic MPD Path Support

Some MPD urls play the same live/vod but have different paths on them. For example, and In this case, you can format a common channelId for them.

// Set token in p2pConfig before setting channelId!
p2pConfig: {
token: YOUR_TOKEN,
channelId: function (mpdUrl) {
const videoId = extractVideoIdFromUrl(mpdUrl); // make a channelId by removing the different part which is defined by yourself
return videoId;
// channelId: VIDEO_ID // for fixed channel id

Dynamic Segment Path Support

Like dynamic mpd path, you should format a common segmentId for the same segment file. You can override the segment ID like this:

p2pConfig: {
streamId: The id of stream
sn: The serial number of segment
segmentUrl: The url of segment
range: bytes range of segmentUrl
segmentId: function (segmentUrl, range) {
const segId = extractSegmentIdFromUrl(segmentUrl);
return segId;